Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Penang’s Food Paradise!

What’s the best from Penang? Its foods!πŸ˜„

Trust me if you ever visit Penang then you will miss every kind of Penang foods! Coz it just too delicious..😍

Penang foods is the combination of Malay, Indian and Chinese foods.
Glad that our hotel was in Penang Road, the main road that close to many hotels, tourists attractions and signature food places. Indian restaurant in front of our hotel is open 24 hours, so we had no worries to find Halal and delicious foods anytime.

What do we want to eat the most in Malaysia? Yup, Roti Canai and Teh Tarik. Typically local breakfast menu but we ate it like anytime we want! 😊 Even if in Indonesia we find it, the one in Penang tastes more delicious.

Okay let’s start our food paradise journey in Penang!πŸ˜€

   1.  Roti Canai and Teh Tarik
      It’s the best Malay food combination that we ever tried. We had Roti Canai dan Teh Tarik anytime, not only on breakfast, because we just love it that much πŸ˜‚. We bought it at Indian Restaurant in front of our hotel, but you can find easily in any other restaurant that serves Malay Indian cuisine. The bread made from wheat flour and taste plain. They serve it with rich Indian curry that blend well with the plain taste of the bread. Teh tarik is actually kind of milk tea, they can serve it both hot or cold.

   2.  Nasi Kandar
Another Malay Indian cuisine that well known in Penang is Nasi Kandar. I think it’s Penang’s signature dishes, because when I visited Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, I didn’t find it. Nasi Kandar is rice served with various side dishes that you can choose as you want, but mostly curry based dishes.

Side dishes you can choose for your Nasi Kandar, from fish, chicken, mutton, etc..so many..😯

The most famous Nasi Kandar is located at Penang Road, it is Line Clear Nasi Kandar. It opens 24 hours. They located in small alley but many customers come because of their original taste that become Penang’s heritage cuisine. Make sure you visited the right place, because you may confused by Yasmeen Restaurant next to it that is also serve Nasi Kandar.
Line Clear Nasi Kandar is the left one, with green boardsign!

We had no clue what Nasi Kandar is, so they put rice on the plate, pour some curry sauces, some sliced cucumber, 2 pcs of okra vegetables and asked us what side dishes that we wanna eat, then we choose what common in Indonesia, fried chicken. But, it is half chicken! Wow how could we manage to eat that..seems like our tummy will full all day only by eating this Nasi Kandar..LOL.

Look at the big portion of Nasi Kandar and half chicken that we choose! Accompanied by Indian Crackers and our beloved Ice Teh Tarik..πŸ˜‹

   3.  Ais Kepal
Ais Kepal is round shaped shaved ice, poured with various fruits syrup. You can choose your favorite. I was ordering Ais Kepal with strawberry, melon and orange syrup. Its shape is really cute and looks like rainbow ice ball.

Colorful Ais Kepal 😍
You can find it easily in Penang, but we had our Ais Kepal at George Town while we were wandering around looking for street arts.

   4.   Ais Kacang
Besides Ais Kepal, another shaved ice menu that you can try is Ais Kacang. It is shaved ice with various toppings like grass jelly, colorful jelly, red beans and vanilla ice cream.
We tried Ais Kacang at Kek Lok Si Temple along with Muah Chee.

Red beans is the main topping of Ais Kacang

    5. Muah Chee

Muah Chee is Chinese style sticky rice cake, also known as Mochi in Japan or Injeolmi in Korea. Muah Chee that we found is sticky rice cakes covered with soft sweet peanut flakes. It’s super delicious snack. We don’t know where to find it besides the one that we found at Kek Lok Si Temple.

The seller will cut the Muah Chee fresh for you, due to how many portion you want to buy. He then mix it with peanut flakes and wrap it.

Since the seller use motorbike, once the Muah Chee sold out, he will go home, so make sure you buy a lot for bringing home. It's so yummy..πŸ˜‹

   6. Chestnuts, Peanuts and Steamed Corn
Since we are interested in trying street foods, so we found some Halal Penang’s street food that recommended to try. Our favorite is chestnuts, this sweet and tasty nuts is a must-try. We even bought more to bring back home. They cooked the chestnuts in big pan and served it while hot. So yummy..

   7. Nasi Lemak
This is Malaysia national food. Rice steamed in coconut milk, poured with curry broth, served with boiled egg, fried chicken and fried anchovies. You can easily find this menu in most of Malay Indian restaurant.

On the second day of our Penang Trip, we went to Gurney Plaza to ride HOHO Bus. We just found out that next to HOHO Bus Counter there is a food center called “Pusat Penjaja Anjung Gurney”. Woah it’s such a paradise! We can find Penang’s signature cuisine in here!

This food center divided into 2 section, Halal and Non Halal. 

The Non Halal section mostly serve Chinese style dishes that using pork or lard as ingredients. Also some seafood dishes like “Sotong” (Cuttlefish), “Kerang” (Mussels) and Chinese style seafood skewers.

Seafood skewers
"Sotong" and "Kerang"

The Halal section mostly served Malay Indian dishes. These dishes also become Penang’s signature dishes that you should try. Some of the dishes can’t be found in another places in Penang.

So let us tell you what dishes we tried in Halal section:

   8.   Penang Laksa
The combination of sour, savory and spicy noodle blend well in Penang Laksa. Sorry to say that I didn’t enjoy this taste combination, but I think the taste is quite unique. Since this is one of Penang signature dishes, so you should try! 😁 

   9.  Rojak Pasembur
Rojak Pasembur is similiar to Indonesian food “Rujak”. It is combination of vegetable, fruits and fried snacks poured with sweet and spicy peanuts sauce. The portion is quite big up to 2 persons. You can choose your favorite fried snacks like seafood based or vegetable based, before the seller cut it into small pieces and pouring the peanuts sauce. 

   10. Char Koay Teow
This food literally has the same taste with Seafood Kwetiaw in Indonesia. It is Chinese style big glass noodle, cooked with garlic and soy sauce, and some seafood like shrimp or squid added into it. Yeah quite good!

Make sure you try all the dishes we recommend when you’re in Penang, or you will regret it later!
Because all of the dishes are delicious and worth to try..Happy holiday.. πŸ˜„

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